Winter 2022
Welcome to our end of year issue, a year that leaves many memories. We transitioned from a drought stricken summer to freezing conditions as we near the end of the year. It was a year in which we gratefully began to relax from the awful impacts of the pandemic, but then started to face up to some new harsh realities in the shape of a cost of living crisis and recession. We celebrated an incredible Platinum Jubilee for our much loved Queen and then said a tearful goodbye to her while welcoming our new King. Our MP of 12 years resigned and was replaced.
The former CeramTec site remained dormant (but see the latest below). Meanwhile, the Town Mill returned to productive new uses. We also joyfully welcomed the return of our spectacular Colyton Carnival and Colyford Goose Fayre after enforced absences. Who knows what 2023 will bring! All we can do for now is wish everyone a very enjoyable Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.
How the Coly Valley does Christmas
Full houses for panto
Congratulations to director Emily Thomas and Colyton Theatre Group on their production of Peter Pan, written by Tom Whalley, at the Colyton Town Hall. Hailed by many as one of the best pantos ever to be staged at the venue, it saw capacity audiences each evening who readily participated. From the director and her assistant, backstage crew, front of house and cast members, it took a great deal of dedication to put on the show. It's a familiar story: Hook, Smee, a Dame, Peter Pan, Tinkerbelle, Wendy and the Lost Boys, a crocodile, mermaids, pirates and Indians - the costumes, dances, jelly fish and acting were all superb. A special mention to all the excellent principals, but it was the youngsters - Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys - who really stole the show. Well done to all the younger members of the cast - Colyton really does have talent! Can you believe It's been three whole years since the last Panto in Colyton? It was great fun and we look forward to next year's production. Oh yes we do!
Fayre draws the Crowds
Thank you to Kate Clode and her team from Colyton Caterpillars for organising yet another highly successful Colyton Christmas Fayre on 7 December. On the first of several extremely cold days, there was a large turnout to enjoy the Craft Fayre inside the Town Hall, delicious food from the street vendors, mulled wine, mince pies and late night shopping. Father Christmas dropped in on Finn Studio and the Town Mill before switching on the 100 Club Christmas Lights in the town centre, then retiring to his grotto in the Social Club to give presents to the children.
Carols were sung by St Andrew's Church Choir outside the Town Hall and inside by the Colyton Primary School Choir. A brass band played and the Seaton Majorettes put on a display of baton-twirling in Market Place with Munchkins Miniature Shetland Rescue Ponies looking on. The Kingfisher, Gerrard Arms and Bear Bread Bakery offered more craft stalls and Christmas cheer. The whole town was positively buzzing, if a bit on the chilly side. This is the main fundraising event of the year for Colyton Caterpillars Early Education who thank all those who braved the cold outside for their support and for supporting local businesses. (Photos courtesy of the Abbeyfield Colyton Society and the Lyme Bay Seafood Company Colyton.)
Revised plan for CeramTec site
Wain Homes South West has released an updated plan for the development of the former CeramTec site in Colyton. The plan shown above will be the basis for a 'reserved matters' application to East Devon District Council which has already given outline permission for 72 homes and six light industrial units. The reserved maters cover the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development. The most obvious change from the previous plan is the move of the public space (on the left of the image) from its previously proposed position adjoining Sidmouth Road. Existing trees are retained and there is a public focal space at the centre of the site.
Wain Homes South West Planning Manager, John Rudge, told us: "We also needed to alter the drainage ponds to ensure they worked from an engineering perspective." He added: "What we want to achieve is a highly well-designed scheme that will blend seamlessly into the wider settlement, resulting in a development that enhances the wider setting and makes residents proud to reside there. We are pushing and pushing as a business to increase the quality of not just our house types, but the wider developments as a whole. We are really excited about Colyton. A separate plan shows the proposed position of 14 affordable homes - 10 of them to rent and four shared ownership."
Larger plan
Affordable housing
Colyton's place in the draft Local Plan
Consultation is now underway on a preliminary draft of the East Devon Local Plan, which will guide the way the district evolves all the way from 2020 to 2040. With nearly 2,000 homes built in the past two years and 4,400 more that already have planning permission, the plan envisages a need for a total of 11,800 more by 2040, making a grand total of over 18,000. Cranbrook could satisfy more than 4,000 of those and a new town to the west of Exeter could add 2,500 more. Beyond that, Axminster could contribute just over 1,000 more and Honiton 470.
Colyton is classified as a local centre, with potential for 49 new homes beyond those already permitted, including 72 on the former CeramTec site. Key messages which the district-wide Local Plan takes on board from the recently completed Neighbourhood Plan include the need to maintain 'green wedges' between Colyton, Colyford and Seaton. The Neighbourhood Plan does not seek to allocate specific sites but supports sustainable growth to ensure that local needs are met. It is also supportive in principle of potential rural exceptions sites to deliver affordable housing, within strict criteria.
The draft Local Plan identifies two potential new sites at Hillhead in Colyton. They are located side-by-side on current farm land sandwiched between Barnards Field Road, Old Sidmouth Road and Clay Lane. One (shown in green on the map above and numbered Coly 02a) is suggested as a 'preferred' site with potential for 24 homes. The adjoining area (shown in yellow on the map - Coly 02b) is seen as a 'second choice' site and could take the total to 49. Another site on the opposite side of Clay Lane has been rejected as have sites between Colyton and Colyford (all shown in orange).
At its meeting on 19 December, the Parish Council agreed to lodge objections to the sites adjoining Barnards Field Road as follows:
- The sites are above the 200ft contour, on the skyline and in full view of the AONB
- Roads around the site are wholly inadequate including Old Sidmouth Road, Clay and Love Lanes
- Soil quality is clay, hence the aptly named Clay Lane which was once the site of the old Colyton Brick Works
- Burnards Field Road is built five feet below the potential development site and the drainage is already an issue as the ditch between them is regularly blocked
- Existing infrastructure, including the primary school, sewage system and parking, cannot sustain more housing
- Colyton is already struggling with the infrastructure demands of new developments at Saxon Meadow and Yaffles, plus there is the imminent build of 72 new homes at the former CeramTec site
- The sites are completely unsustainable as there are insufficient employment opportunities in Colyton - residents would have to commute further afield for work
- The sites are too far from local amenities to walk, necessitating the need to drive into the town centre
The preliminary consultation is only the beginning of an exhaustive process. To remain updated and have your say, please follow the EDDC link below.
Parish split confirmed
(click HERE for larger version)
The final decision that will divide Colyton and Colyford into separate parishes has been made and will be effective from 1 April 2023. In early May, parish council elections will see Colyford go to the polls to elect seven councillors for its new council, while Colyton will choose 11 councillors to replace its current 13. The new Colyford Parish Council boundary is as shown by the red line on the plan above. Blue hatched areas remain part of Colyton. EDDC decided that this boundary 'best reflects community identity and interest as it is based on the evidence of those who actually live in the affected area'.
The issue came before East Devon District Council on 7 December following a Local Governance Review. Several Colyton councillors attended the meeting - and a Cabinet meeting two days earlier - to make a final plea for the proposal to be rejected. They said the movement for change did not represent the wishes of the community as a whole. The case for the change was put by members of Colyford Village Residents Association who said that it represented the will of the majority of Colyford's 800 residents and that it was currently one of the largest villages in the district without its own parish council.
Much of the discussion at the EDDC Cabinet meeting was focused on the way in which the assets currently operated by Colyton Parish Council should be divided following the change. Colyford Village Residents Association lodged a series of 'vesting statements' requesting:
- The transfer and future rental income from land at Stafford Common (currently used to fund Colyton Cemetery) - agreed. Twenty eight per cent of the rental income from two other pieces of land which remain in Colyton - denied.
- Children's play equipment (and any land) to the new Parish Council - agreed.
- Responsibility for the Colyford Village gateways to the new parish council - agreed.
- The transfer of £10k held by Colyton Parish Council and ring fenced for road safety projects in Colyford - agreed.
- The transfer of unspent cash in the Colyton Parish Council operating budget (for financial year 2023/24) as a contribution towards the proposed £20k contingency fund for the new parish council - denied.
- Any Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding arising in financial year 2021/22 from within the proposed boundary to be ring fenced for spend by the new parish council. Further, that 28% of future CIL income arising from development in Colyton be ring fenced for spend in the new parish council - denied.
- Transfer of a cash equivalent (28%) of equipment held by Colyton Parish Council estimated to be worth £10,000 to help purchase equipment for use in the new parish - denied.
You can watch the full Governance debate at the EDDC Cabinet meeting on 5 December here. And the full EDDC on 7 December here.
A new Housing Needs Survey in the parish of Colyton has identified a need for only 12 affordable homes over the next five years. The outcome is in marked contrast to the last survey in 2017 which showed a need for more than 36 affordable homes. Conducted by East Devon District Council, the new survey involved delivery of 1,650 forms, of which 399 (24%) were returned. Of the 289 who responded to the question, 83% said they would be in favour of a small development of affordable housing for local people and 17% (58) were against.
The Colyton & Colyford Community Land Trust was established at the instigation of the Parish Council in 2018 as an independent body to tackle the issue. Its Chairman, Charles Hill, noted the low response rate and said that the Trust remained anxious to identify sites as soon as possible and said that may have to include consideration of sites outside the current Built-up Area Boundary.
He added: "However, we do not have capital to purchase land on the open market and must work within local and national planning guidelines which govern the building of homes outside the current Built-up Area Boundary. In these cases there has to be a proven need for such housing and it must have substantial local support to enable it to take place by exception. The Trust looks forward to being able to deliver affordable housing where those with a local connection have priority." The Parish Council is similarly sceptical of the survey result given the low response rate and is consulting with the Community Land Trust over the way ahead.
Another great kitchen window
You can always depend on The Colyton Kitchen Company for a window display that gets you into the Christmas spirit - and this year's is no exception. Behind it lies a business that ten years ago transformed the grade 2 listed former Post Office into a stunning showroom. The family business owned by Paul and Claire Sammons has built up a loyal customer base across Devon, Somerset, Dorset and beyond. Working with them are son Oscar and designer Lee Jarrell, a team that has more than 40 years experience in kitchen design and installation. "We believe the process of buying a new kitchen should be an enjoyable one, and we pride ourselves on our friendly, approachable manner, regardless of the size of the customer's budget or the scale of the project," says Claire. Amongst their popular products is their very own bespoke 'Post House Bespoke' range which is exclusive to this area.
When the winter bites
It's the time of year when life becomes that bit more difficult as roads become icy and the Coly Valley's tendency to flood can create serious problems. Being prepared can make all the difference. On the floods front, you can sign up for early warnings here. Colyton Parish Council keeps a small stock of filled sand bags at its yard in Rosemary Lane. There are also empty bags you can fill that are available from the Town Hall office. For further advice call Parish Clerk Sasha Haines on 01297 552460 Monday to Thursday 9-1. Outside of those hours please call Arthur Parsons on 07970 787170.
Road grit bins are maintained by Devon County Council and located around the Parish. Report an empty bin here. The primary salting network is made up of the major routes where the majority of vehicle movements take place, and includes accesses to hospitals, ambulance stations, fire stations, other emergency service establishments, railway stations, airports and secondary schools. There is also a secondary network that includes a lot of the minor roads to smaller communities that are treated during extended periods of cold weather (defined as snow or ice most of the day) but not until the main routes are clear.
Devon's key advice to drivers is:
- Never assume a road has been salted. Rain will wash salt off roads leaving them prone to ice, and in extreme cold even salting will not stop ice from forming
- Allow additional time for your journey
- Reduce your speed and leave more space between you and the vehicle in front
- Drive with care and according to the conditions.
Flood threat tackled
When the newly repaired Nunsford Lane was washed out in a flash flood in October 2021, the Parish Council requested a meeting with Ros Davies of the Parish Paths Partnerships Scheme (also known as the P3 scheme) to discuss the possibility of inserting twin 16m x 60mm drainage pipes beneath Devon County Council-owned land at Nunford Dairy Farm and on under the road to carry flood water safely to the River Axe. It is believed that Nunsford Lane, leading from the top of Kingsdon Hill to Nunford Bridge, was part of the old road from Colyton to Axminster via Musbury. It is part of the East Devon Way regional walking route between Exmouth and Lyme Regis set up in 1992.
Several councillors met on site with Ros Davies, Emma Hellier (responsible for the Public Rights of Way in our area), two DCC engineers and Sam Turner, the tenant farmer of Nunford Dairy Farm. A plan was devised to dig a trench and lay twin 16m x 60mm drainage pipes beside the farm and under the road, plus another twin 6m x 60mm culvert further down the lane just before Nunford Bridge. The ingress of willows hindering the flow of water from the land was also addressed.
The work began in October following the granting of a drainage consent licence and was completed within a few weeks and it's been a case of so far so good, despite the heavy rainfall we've experienced this winter. The DCC contractor appears to have done a good job and the cost of £22,000 for the project has been covered by the P3 scheme whereby DCC has paid for it using public funds. One novelty of the scheme is that it includes 'spat ropes' in the culverts to allow eels to crawl along the pipes to the river!
No business like snow business
The Parish Council is calling for volunteers to act as snow wardens. This scheme is run by Devon County Council and is designed to ensure that rural communities receive help when gritting services are otherwise stretched. A snow warden works on behalf of the parish council, delivering deliver winter maintenance support including:
- Ordering grit supplies
- Keeping a register of local trained volunteers
- Receiving and responding locally to weather alerts
- Organising and deploying volunteers to clear snow
- Organising and deploying volunteers to spread grit when icy conditions are forecast
- Encourage responsible use of grit/salt and help to minimise the abuse of grit/salt within communities
More information here. If you are interested please email the Parish Clerk, Sasha Haines
A great place to stay warm
Millfield scheme set to blossom
The Parish Council's application to transform Millfield, the field of brambles immediately northeast of the allotments, into a wildflower meadow with raised beds for the physically challenged plus extra parking, was granted planning permission by EDDC in October. Contractor Eddie Dayment has since completed the car park extension and sunk a drainage pipe to carry the spingwater away from the field, while farmer John Voysey has cultivated in preparation for sowing the wildflower seeds from Goren Farm, Stockland, in the spring. A new hedge is to be laid between Millfield and the allotments, plus there's to be a spinney of hazel and native fruit trees. New contracts have been issued to the allotment holders now that CPC has provided a mains water supply. We welcome our new allotment holders and are very pleased to see they've started a Facebook 'Colyton Allotment Group' to share ideas, news and information.
Keep that chimney safe
Santa isn't the only one who could suffer if your chimney is soot-laden right now. The Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service attends an average of between 150 and 200 chimney fires each year and the majority are in winter when open fires and stoves are in use. Caused when a build-up of deposits ignites, they are usually contained within the chimney but can spread and cause devastating damage, especially to thatched properties. "Most chimney fires happen in the early evening when the highest number of fireplaces are being used," says a DSFRS spokesperson. "As a cause of fire it is simple - the more often you use your fireplace or stove the more likely you are to have a chimney fire. You can reduce this risk if you have it swept regularly by a reputable sweep. How often depends on the fuel you use to burn your fire but as a guide:
- Wood - every three months
- Smokeless fuels - at least once a year
- Bituminous coal - at least twice a year
- Oil - once a year
- Gas - once a year
Young leaders in the making
From Aerfen Mills, Head of School at Colyton Primary Academy
We have been busy focusing on learning about careers and different job sectors as part of our careers curriculum. They have also been taking part in the Young Leaders programme where they focus on skills needed to be a good leader and make changes. This will culminate in the summer with a community project so ideas welcome please!
The senior leadership team from Colyton also presented the work of the school to other schools in the south west for the 'Thinking Matters' organisation. They showcased the children's work and shared how they develop thinking and meta-cognition at Colyton.
Children's learning has focused on life in the polar regions, Florence Nightingale and Mary Secole and World War II. Our younger children have been really focusing on their phonics to aid their reading.
It has been lovely to get back to a more normal Christmas this year and we welcomed parents in to school for Christmas Craft afternoon as well as a celebration of Christmas at St. Andrew's Church with singing and a nativity. We also took part in a virtual Carol Service with other east Devon schools including Musbury and Hawkchurch.
Top of the tree for recycling
East Devon District Council has achieved its highest ever recycling rate of 61 percent at a time when most of Devon's waste authorities are showing a decline in performance. The overall rate for the county as a whole in the 2021-22 financial year was 55.1%, with areas like Torbay achieving 37.1% and South Hams falling eight points to 46.7%. East Devon was the first authority in the county to exceed 60%, and its 61%was only 2.5% below the highest performing waste collection authority in England.
Time to get in trim?
After much delay, the Wickstead Trim Trail has finally been installed between the pavilion and the play park at the Peace Memorial Playing Fields, and it was certainly worth the wait judging by the number of children seen playing on it after it appeared in early December. Paid for with S106 funds collected by EDDC from housing developments within the parish, the Trim Trail was chosen from a list of residents' suggestions on outdoor sports facilities to spend the available funds on and what could be achieved within the budget of £13,900. Due to the delay in getting going, the total cost of the equipment rose to £15,440 because of the increase costs of building materials, but fortunately EDDC approved the extra expenditure. Enjoy!
Double virus threat this winter
A call has gone out across Devon for everyone who is eligible to ensure that they have both COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. It follows a warning from the UK Health Security Agency that lower levels of natural immunity within the UK population, against the most common H3N2 flu strain, could lead to the virus circulating widely this winter. Natural immunity against the flu strain is relatively low, because, despite it being present last winter, coronavirus restrictions held it at bay. All primary school and some secondary school children are eligible for the flu nasal spray this year, which is usually given at school. GP surgeries are also inviting children aged two and three-years-old (age on 31 August) for their nasal spray vaccination at their practices. Steve Brown, Devon's Director of Public Health, said: "Taking up both COVID-19 booster and flu jab is an essential form of protection against these respiratory viruses." One in 50 people in the South West currently have COVID-19, with 85 hospitalised.
Colyford commemorates our Queen
A commemorative plaque has been installed next to an oak tree planted in Colyford in honour of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The English oak tree and its plaque can be seen by visitors to Seaton Wetlands walking from the Seaton Lane entrance opposite Pope's Lane. The sapling was planted at the wetlands within the Colyford boundary as part of the Queen's Green Canopy project, after local resident Annie Thompson joined forces with East Devon District Council to find a suitable site. The plaque was unveiled earlier this month by Howard West, Acting Clerk to the Burgesses and was joined by EDDC Chair Cllr Ian Thomas and council leader Cllr Paul Arnott. Annie said: "Colyford now has a special place of memorial and remembrance which marks Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's long and industrious reign and will be meaningful for many years to come. This tree is even more important to us now, as it's the year in which she sadly passed away."
Children's book from a local crew
Mike Ilsley kindly produced the graphic that heads this Christmas edition of the newsletter. But he has also broken new ground by doing the illustrations for a children's book written by his friend Barrie Hedges who is one of our editors. 'The Bus Crew' tells the story of a small fleet of country buses battling to deliver their passengers in a snowstorm. The book is set in the late 1950s and is drawn from Barrie's own childhood when his family ran a bus company in Berkshire. He and a friend from the time have already written a social history around the contribution made by the business, Reliance Motor Services. "A children's book was never in my mind until I got talking to Mike and realised just how capable he is as an illustrator," says Barrie. Mike adds: "The challenge for me was how to make the look of the buses fit the personalities I had been presented with whilst trying to preserve the character of the buses as people might remember them." To date, they have only produced five copies but if interest is sufficient they will commission a full print run early in 2023.
The garage with an eye on the future
Sean Greig started his auto repair business in his father-in-law's garage in Beer 21 years ago - just him and a couple of ramps. The opportunity to move to a prime spot in Colyton and to take on the customer list of a Kilmington garage that was about to close came in 2005. Today, Sean's team of five has built a reputation that has spread right through the area. While spanners and screwdrivers are still very much to the fore, SG Auto Repairs is a small business that has embraced change by quickly tuning itself not just to the very different requirements of electric vehicles but to the next generation of hydrogen fuel that will soon be with us.
The secret, says Sean, lies in passion, followed closely by investment in training. Both wife Belinda and son Jordan have joined him as directors in recent years in a team completed by Dean Latcham and Jack Knowles. "I am very fortunate in the quality of my team but also in the way in which the community in Colyton supports us," says Sean. "The future for us is very exciting."Children clean up others' waste
Brownies, Cubs and Scouts led the way with a much needed clean-up of the Peace Memorial Playing Fields. The idea of a 'Cleanathon' came after 1st Colyton Brownies did a walk that took in the field. "The girls were really disappointed by the amount of litter and rubbish that they found in such a short time and decided that they would take action and help the community whilst also raising funds for charity," says Brown Owl Karen Rattew.
The idea snowballed, sponsorship was sought and the initiative was covered by BBC Spotlight and BBC Radio Devon. As a result it produced nearly £500 for BBC Children in Need and Girlguiding UK. "The children were amazed by what rubbish was dumped around the fields," adds Karen. "They hope that in future people will be more responsible for their own litter and rubbish and either bin it or take it home with them in order to keep the community clean." You can still donate here.
Other 1st Colyton Brownies activities over recent months have included attending the Remembrance Day service, a crabbing and chip supper visit to Axmouth Harbour, carnival participation in Colyton and Axminster, and making decorations for the Christmas tree at St Andrew's Church. If you know of a girl aged between seven and 10 who would be interested in joining 1st Colyton Brownies please register your interest here.
Tonnes of food saved from landfill
After two years, SAVE Food Colyton has redistributed a staggering 2.1 tonnes of surplus food that would otherwise have gone to landfill. Its Community Larder sessions have been well attended throughout, particularly recently as everyone feels the pinch of rising costs. The concept is a simple one - dedicated volunteers collect surplus supermarket food that is at or near its end of shelf life. Anything that can be used by food banks goes to them, with the surplus brought to Colyton for local people to help themselves. Local growers are also encouraged to bring any surplus. "Some people find it quite surprising that the community larder is open to everyone, but it really is," says volunteer Jo Wright. "Our aim is for all surplus food to be used up with nothing thrown into landfill. So, if you haven't been before, please do come and check it out." Our photo was taken during the popular Apple Day in September when locally grown apples were processed to make juice (and home-made cake was eaten).
- Thursdays 8.20pm - Reece Strawbridge Centre
- Fridays 9am to 10am - Umborne Bridge artisan quarter
- Sundays 3.30pm - Reece Strawbridge Centre
- Open over Christmas other than Christmas Day and New Year's Day (both Sundays).
From strength to strength
It's been quite a year for the Colyton & Colyford Memory Cafe with sessions featuring a wide variety of visitors, interests and activities. Amongst them have been Antiques Road Show, Singing for the Brain, sports day, garden birds, aromatherapy and professional musical concerts. There was also autumn planting, a garden party and a Jubilee party. Contact with age and dementia-related agencies has been maintained and a quality assurance mark awarded by the Devon Memory Cafe Consortium. The size of our group has grown steadily over the year, led by a committed volunteer team. The cafe warmly welcomes both occasional visitors and regular members. For more information, ring Sue on 07517054166 or email
Back with a bang
Bonfire Night returned with a proverbial bang to Colyton on 5th November thanks to the Peace Memorial Playing Fields Committee with help from Colyton Football Club and a host of volunteers. The firework display was exceptional and Mojo Stone Cold Players, who played at the Jubilee Party in the Park last June, returned to the stage to rock the evening out while everyone enjoyed the barbecue, a drink from the bar or had a dance. With the bonfire roaring in the background, a decorated pumpkin competition and raffle, it was a well organised and great family evening out.
Footpath Matters
with Hugh Westacott
The end of the year is fast approaching and the vegetation is dormant so this is a good time to review the state of Colyton's footpaths. It's pleasing to report that overall they are in good shape and are easy to find and easy to use.
Ratshole Bridge over the Coly has been repaired; the drainage to the track that runs from Nunsford Dairy to the Axe has been improved; the County Council has replaced several stiles with self-closing pedestrian gates; and every right of way in the parish is signposted from where it leaves the road, and has directional waymarks at every stile and gate on its route.
Our thanks are due to the two farmers who, when approached about crops partially obstructing footpaths on their land, immediately cleared the blockages. The only serious problems are the two missing footbridges over the Coly between Brinkley Bridge and Woodbridge.
It would be helpful if those of us who regularly use our local public paths would carry secateurs and a folding pruning saw to cut back any new growth that threatens to encroach on gates and stiles.
On the downside, I regret observing that there are still walkers who regularly ignore the law and the polite notices, such as the one at the entrance to Chantry Fields, and still trespass in the fields that border the Coly. You must keep to the public footpath, and pickup after your dog.
Finally, mention must be made of Emma Hellier, the County Council's rights of way officer for east Devon, who is always helpful and works hard to maintain our public rights of way.
Colyton Parish Council
Allotments ... Cemetery ... Benches ... Footpath maintenance ... Gardens ... War Memorial (grass cutting) ... Local Grants ... Neighbourhood Plan ... Picnic Site ... Community Woodland ... Peace Memorial Playing Fields & Pavilion ... Tennis Courts ... Reece Strawbridge Youth Centre... Road Green & Playground ... Colyford Play Park ... Churchyard (grass cutting)
Benefits & council tax ... Car parking ... Community safety ... Elections and electoral registration ... Environmental maintenance and dangerous structures ... Flyposting ... Food hygiene & safety ... Parks & recreation, countryside, trees ... Housing & homeless ... Licensing ... Litter, graffiti & fouling clearance, street cleaning ... Pest control ... Public toilets ... Waste collections & recycling.
Fallen trees ... Flooding / drainage ... Highways inc drains, potholes ... Libraries & archives ... Parking on road, parking enforcement ... Public transport ... Recycling centres ... Registration (births, marriages, deaths) ... Rights of ways ... Social services ... Trading standards ... Traffic management ... Wildlife guidelines.
Use the menu at the top of this page to access Agendas and Minutes for Colyton Parish Council and Meeting dates
East Devon District Council planning portaL
Recycling and waste collections
Parish Clerk Sasha Haines can be contacted at the Town Hall from 10.30 to 12.00 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. She can also be contacted by email or phone as shown at the foot of this newsletter.
This newsletter has been produced by a small group made up of parish councillors Alison Stenning plus volunteers Barrie Hedges, Hugh Westacott and Kaz Rhodes. To subscribe to future issues or to submit ideas please email us at Your personal details will be confined to this use and will not be shared.